Thursday Mar 07, 2024

The Secret Sauce to Creating a Healthy Organization That People Are Excited to Work In

Most organizations focus on three things when assessing its value: its balance sheet, leadership, and position in the marketplace. I challenge every organization to set those metrics aside and focus on identifying the core values that exist when operating at its highest level and operationalizing those values throughout every level of the organization. The benefits of this approach are explosive: teams become more cohesive, leaders learn to trust their people and their people become more trusting of the leaders, and leaders empower people to solve their problems because who is better equipped to come up with solutions than those who are responsible for implementing them?

To schedule a 15-minute call with Elizabeth, you can use the following link:

Elizabeth Souder's Bio: Elizabeth McJimsey Souder is a “recovering” attorney and organizational health consultant and coach who helps companies and leaders realign the disconnect between who they say they are and how they behave. She has worked with some of Kansas City’s leading organizations as they launched, prepared for growth, prepared for expansion, addressed COVID and post-COVID related
interruptions, reimagined who they were, restructured how they functioned, and rebuilt the
culture in which they worked. Elizabeth also enjoys working with new managers and their
teams to build trust, align and operationalize values, empower one another, and win together.
Elizabeth brings 20+ years as a corporate lawyer with two of Kansas City’s largest employers
where she witnessed and experienced the relationship between an organization’s health and
alignment and its success.

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